Saturday, September 15, 2012

Butter Popcorn Update: Chemical Now linked to Alzheimer's

*Credit- unknown author,taken from the Health Plus newsletter Sept. 2012*

          An ingredient in artificial butter flavoring for popcorn and other foods may worsen the
effects of an abnormal brain protein that has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. A new study in
chemical research in toxicology examined diacetyl(DA), an ingredient used to produce the buttery
flavor and smell in microwave popcorn,margarine, candy,baked goods, and even pet food. It is also
created naturally in fermented drinks like beer, and gives chardonnay wines its buttery taste. Scientists
at the University of Minnesota conducted an analysis of DA, a chemical which had previously been
linked to respiratory problems in employees of microwave popcorn and food flavoring factories.
     They found that DA has a structure that's similar to a substance that makes beta-amyloid proteins.
Too much amyloid that clumps together to form plaques are a tell-tale marker of Alzheimer's disease in
the brain.

Note- I would like to add that this doesn't mean that all popcorn is bad . The studies are based on
          microwave popcorn and butter flavorings in other foods. Of course we know that regular
         popcorn in moderation is actually good for us due to the good fiber.

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