Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Treated" NOT tricked!


     With all the visual stimulation provided by most retailers
this time of year, it is easy to be lulled into a comfy and warm
feeling about Halloween. All the candy wrapped in their bright
wrappers seem to be calling your name! Kids and adults alike are
in a joyful frenzy trying to decide what they "will be" for the big
     Given the fun filled stimulation to all your natural senses it
is easy to see how anyone can get caught up in the October craziness! After all it's just harmless,sweet tasting fun isn't it?
On the surface, that would seem to be the case but when one
stops to consider the origin of this holiday, it is not harmless at
     The Word of God tells us that we as God's children  should
be set apart, different, from the rest of the people, those who don't
belong to HIM. As HIS children, we need to stand out . Yes, it
is easy to be tricked by such a seemingly "fun" holiday, but if we
can but turn our eyes from the things that sparkle and shine, and
keep our eyes on the Lord, then we will discover the "real" and
the sweetest treat of all...eternal life!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The magic fruit...

I'm sure everyone has heard that "an apple a day keeps the Dr. away but did you know that "when" you eat an apple can make all the difference with certain ailments? For example, eating an apple before breakfast(on an empty stomach), can help alleviate conconstipation, and other digestive problems. Other benefits of apples are: lowered cholesterol, weight loss, and improved lung function, just to name a few. 
    There are many more benefits to eating apples but it is 
important to remember that it is best to eat organic apples because
non-organic apples have been treated with numerous pesticides. Also important is the fact that you should eat the apple with the 
peeling on as the peel contains a great amount of fiber as well.
Lastly, it is better to eat your apples fresh, not juiced or applesauce.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Benefits of the perfectly packaged(by God) Apple!

Apples contain a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found
only in apples. This flavanoid is believed to protect and or
help with the following:

* may increase bone density in postmenopausal women,
  due to another wonderful component of the apple called
  boron which helps strengthen bones. Thus, the apple may
  be beneficial in the prevention of osteoporosis.
* Asthma in children
* Brain cells may be protected from damage due to it's
  content of Quercetin. This protection can be seen especially
  with damage of a certain type that is done by  specific
                                                       free radicals. These particular free radicals may lead to
                                                       Alzheimer's disease.
                                                     * In one of many studies, 10.000 people were studied and
                                                        the results of the study showed that people who ate the most
                                                        apples had 50% lower risk of lung cancer. It is believed that
                                                        this is due to naringin and the high levels of quercetin, the
                                                        flavinoids found in apples.
                                                    *  Breast cancer prevention
                                                    *  Diabetes management- due to the apples's content of
                                                        galacturonic acid, which lowers the body's need for insulin.
                                                    *  Weight loss, in many independent studies done, results
                                                         showed that the mere act of eating 3 apples per day,
                                                         resulted in more weight loss in people who were trying to
                                                         lose weight.
                                                    *  Cholesterol (lowered) due to the soluble fiber contained in
                                                         apples. Apples help prevent LDL from oxidizing and inhibit
                                                    *  Lowered risk of heart disease and stroke
                                                    *  Protection against Metabolic Syndrome
                                                    *  C-reactive protein- which is a marker of inflammation and
                                                        whose presence in the blood suggests and increased risk for
                                                        heart disease and diabetes(apples help keep the body at the
                                                        necessary "lower level" of this protein).
                                                    *  Immune boosting vitamin C
                                                    *  4 grams of fiber per medium apple, delivered through the
                                                        apple's content of pectin which is in itself a type of fiber.
                                                    *  Antioxidants
                                                    * In exercising, an apple before a workout helps with endurence.
 *I don't know about you, but I am going to start working on eating my "3" apples per day. Like anything
else, perhaps by working up from 1 to start then 2, and finally get to 3! Wow what a powerhouse God
has created for our good!