Saturday, December 1, 2012

Much more than tea...

This super beverage... is an anti-oxidant Powerhouse!
 "Fortune Delight" is loaded with
polyphenols,bioflavonoids, and tea catechins.
 No fat, chemicals or artificial sweeteners.
 Similar to Calli in that it supports the body's natural cleaning processes, and helps you replace soft drinks, caffeinated energy drinks, and regular tea or coffee!
 Plus, it made wholly in the USA!

To place an order or for any questions please email us at:

*Coming soon: The capacity to purchase these fantastic products
                          on our site here via Paypal and credit card

In the mean time, please check back often for posts about 
health and wellness, weight loss and so much more

Monday, November 26, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar a real health powerhouse

Benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 tablespoon of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 4 ounces of purified water after a meal has been used as a natural remedy for heartburn and as a replacement for toxic heartburn medications.
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar may help improve bowel irregularity, thereby removing toxins from the body at a faster rate.
  • Helps clear up skin conditions and blemishes giving a smoother texture and complexion.
  • Raw Apple Cider vinegar may also help with joint pain and stiffness.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar helps to break down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them. For this reason, many diets include ACV in their regimen.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar reduces glucose levels
Raw organic apple cider vinegar is even good for pets. It has been used to help control fleas and even promotes a healthy shiny

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kiwi-another super food for your healthy body!

Kiwi and its Many Health Benefits
By: Alexandria Hardy, RD
Kiwi SuperfoodWhat's in a Name?
For this fruit, quite a lot! The kiwi, originally called the Chinese gooseberry and later the “sunny peach”, was renamed the kiwi by New Zealand natives after their national bird. There are over 400 varieties of this fuzzy fruit, which grows off of vines on a trellis, much like grapes are cultivated.

Quintessential Kiwi Research
Researchers exploring the potential positive features of the kiwi fruit have conducted several studies involving children and adults. A study in Italy indicated that children had less trouble with wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing in the night when they consumed 5-7 servings of kiwi or citrus fruit a week. Asthma sufferers were found to derive the most benefit from the kiwi, even when eaten as few as 1-2 times a week. Adults can also benefit from eating the jewel-toned fruit! Another study demonstrated that eating 2-3 kiwi fruits a day can reduce the potential for blood clots and decrease triglycerides. Yet another study cited the kiwi’s ability to protect and repair the body from DNA damage, which could protect against cancer.
Nutritional Nods
From disease prevention to an abundance of vitamins and minerals, the kiwi provides a wide array of nutrition benefits. According to a study at Rutgers University, the kiwi is the most nutrient dense fruit, ounce for ounce. Below is a list of the different ways that the naturally fat-free kiwi can help our health:
  • Disease Prevention
    • Fiber: Kiwi provides 16% of the RDA for fiber and has a role in the prevention of constipation and some cancers.
    • Phytonutrients: Kiwis have phytonutrients, which repair DNA, act as the body’s protection against some cancers, and function as antioxidants. Learn more about phytonutrients plant powers.
  • Vitamins
    • Folic Acid: Kiwi provides 10% of the RDA for folic acid, which is important for expectant mothers and works to produce red blood cells.
    • Vitamin C: One serving of kiwi gives the body 230% of the RDA for Vitamin C, which helps heal wounds, increase iron absorption, and boost the immune system.
    • Vitamin E: Kiwi provides 10% RDA for Vitamin E and decreases the risk of heart disease.
  • Minerals
    • Calcium: Kiwi provides 5.5% of the RDA for Calcium.
    • Chromium: Kiwi aids in regulating heartbeats.
    • Copper: Kiwi provides 8% of the RDA for Copper.
    • Iron: Kiwi provides 4% of the RDA for Iron.
    • Magnesium: Kiwi provides 6% of the RDA for Magnesium, which can enhance your energy level.
    • Potassium: Kiwi aids in fluid maintenance.
    • Zinc: Kiwi helps keep hair, skin, teeth, and nails healthy.
Selecting, Storing, and Eating a Kiwi
How do I choose a kiwi?
  • Look for a fruit that is plump and fragrant with no visible bruising or wrinkles and a slightly firm feel
What if I chose a fruit that isn’t yet ripe?
  • Kiwis ripen quickly when placed in either a paper or plastic bag with a banana. However, once they are ripened, store them away from other fruit or they will decompose more quickly!
How long are kiwis good for once I buy them?
  • Ripe kiwi fruit can last in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.
Can I eat the skin?
  • You can, but wash carefully to remove unwanted pesticides! Rub it a bit to minimize the fuzz. The skin actually provides more fiber to your sweet snack. If you’re not fond of the fuzzy exterior, simply “sloop” it out by slicing the kiwi in half horizontally and spooning out each end to enjoy.
What is a serving size?
  • A serving of kiwi fruit is ½ cup, or 1 medium-sized kiwi.
The Kiwi Craze
Kiwi fruit can be enjoyed in smoothies, sprinkled into your morning yogurt, mixed into fruit salad, or eaten plain. For a few more creative ideas to incorporate kiwis into your daily meals, check out the ideas below:
  • Make a “fruit pizza” out of graham crackers and a creamy topping (peanut butter, honey, ricotta cheese- the possibilities are endless!) and sprinkle chopped kiwi on top.
  • Involve your kids and make fruit kabobs with kiwi as the star (Make sure to use blunt end skewers so the little ones don’t hurt themselves!).
  • Incorporate kiwi into a citrusy jam, jelly, or chutney.
  • Rub on meat for an all-natural meat tenderizer- the kiwi contains enzymes that aid in breaking down protein.
Alexandria Hardy is a Registered Dietitian

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Love is a two way street(so to speak)

Eating the right foods is one of the best ways to love
yourself....if you love your body it will love you right back!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Treated" NOT tricked!


     With all the visual stimulation provided by most retailers
this time of year, it is easy to be lulled into a comfy and warm
feeling about Halloween. All the candy wrapped in their bright
wrappers seem to be calling your name! Kids and adults alike are
in a joyful frenzy trying to decide what they "will be" for the big
     Given the fun filled stimulation to all your natural senses it
is easy to see how anyone can get caught up in the October craziness! After all it's just harmless,sweet tasting fun isn't it?
On the surface, that would seem to be the case but when one
stops to consider the origin of this holiday, it is not harmless at
     The Word of God tells us that we as God's children  should
be set apart, different, from the rest of the people, those who don't
belong to HIM. As HIS children, we need to stand out . Yes, it
is easy to be tricked by such a seemingly "fun" holiday, but if we
can but turn our eyes from the things that sparkle and shine, and
keep our eyes on the Lord, then we will discover the "real" and
the sweetest treat of all...eternal life!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The magic fruit...

I'm sure everyone has heard that "an apple a day keeps the Dr. away but did you know that "when" you eat an apple can make all the difference with certain ailments? For example, eating an apple before breakfast(on an empty stomach), can help alleviate conconstipation, and other digestive problems. Other benefits of apples are: lowered cholesterol, weight loss, and improved lung function, just to name a few. 
    There are many more benefits to eating apples but it is 
important to remember that it is best to eat organic apples because
non-organic apples have been treated with numerous pesticides. Also important is the fact that you should eat the apple with the 
peeling on as the peel contains a great amount of fiber as well.
Lastly, it is better to eat your apples fresh, not juiced or applesauce.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Benefits of the perfectly packaged(by God) Apple!

Apples contain a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found
only in apples. This flavanoid is believed to protect and or
help with the following:

* may increase bone density in postmenopausal women,
  due to another wonderful component of the apple called
  boron which helps strengthen bones. Thus, the apple may
  be beneficial in the prevention of osteoporosis.
* Asthma in children
* Brain cells may be protected from damage due to it's
  content of Quercetin. This protection can be seen especially
  with damage of a certain type that is done by  specific
                                                       free radicals. These particular free radicals may lead to
                                                       Alzheimer's disease.
                                                     * In one of many studies, 10.000 people were studied and
                                                        the results of the study showed that people who ate the most
                                                        apples had 50% lower risk of lung cancer. It is believed that
                                                        this is due to naringin and the high levels of quercetin, the
                                                        flavinoids found in apples.
                                                    *  Breast cancer prevention
                                                    *  Diabetes management- due to the apples's content of
                                                        galacturonic acid, which lowers the body's need for insulin.
                                                    *  Weight loss, in many independent studies done, results
                                                         showed that the mere act of eating 3 apples per day,
                                                         resulted in more weight loss in people who were trying to
                                                         lose weight.
                                                    *  Cholesterol (lowered) due to the soluble fiber contained in
                                                         apples. Apples help prevent LDL from oxidizing and inhibit
                                                    *  Lowered risk of heart disease and stroke
                                                    *  Protection against Metabolic Syndrome
                                                    *  C-reactive protein- which is a marker of inflammation and
                                                        whose presence in the blood suggests and increased risk for
                                                        heart disease and diabetes(apples help keep the body at the
                                                        necessary "lower level" of this protein).
                                                    *  Immune boosting vitamin C
                                                    *  4 grams of fiber per medium apple, delivered through the
                                                        apple's content of pectin which is in itself a type of fiber.
                                                    *  Antioxidants
                                                    * In exercising, an apple before a workout helps with endurence.
 *I don't know about you, but I am going to start working on eating my "3" apples per day. Like anything
else, perhaps by working up from 1 to start then 2, and finally get to 3! Wow what a powerhouse God
has created for our good!   


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Getting to know one another!

Please click on the link below to learn about the birth of the Sunrider company, it's founder and more! Welcome to the family! to know SunriderEtyb109CK5o (See link at left)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dr. Chen Founder of Sunrider

Dr. Tei-Fu Chen embodies the "American Dream" of building a successful business despite being born to humble circumstances in a foreign region. As a sickly boy, Dr. Chen ate and learned about herbs from his paternal grandfather to improve his health. He then studied his grandfather’s ancient manuscripts on herbs and graduated with a degree in Pharmacy from Kaohsiung Medical College.

During college, he married Dr. Oi-Lin Chen, a licensed medical doctor, and they immigrated to the United States. Dr. Chen sometimes worked three jobs at the same time to make barely enough money. In 1982, after doing research and development for another company, Dr. Chen seized the opportunity to buy that company and start Sunrider. He says, "When I was a poor student and dating my wife, I told her I was going to be a millionaire some day. However, I knew that the traditional ways of making money would never help me reach my optimal goal. One very hard year, I lived on eating hamburgers I bought from a restaurant. It made me wonder how a simple hamburger could make someone so much money. I realized the power of franchising to make big money quickly. Unfortunately, starting a franchise required a lot more money than a struggling immigrant like me had. My mission with Sunrider was to make a franchise-like opportunity available to anyone without needing to invest millions of dollars."

Sunrider has now grown to a global company in over 42 countries with around 2,000 retail stores. Dr. Chen and Dr. Oi-Lin Chen continue to run Sunrider with passion and dedication.

Dr. Tei-Fu Chen is a world-renowned herbalist with a degree in pharmacy. His wife, Dr. Oi-Lin Chen, is a licensed medical doctor and President of Sunrider International.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Live whole foods direct to you...

 Based on the concept of  Regeneration one cell at a time:
   Cleanse....with...Calle tea

*All our products are live whole foods....they do not contain
   harmful dyes, chemicals, or additives and are available for
   you to order right here on our site!
                 contact us at:                                                            

Who is Sunrider and what can we do for you?

Since 1982, Sunrider International has helped people around the world achieve success and financial independence with our rewarding business opportunity. We are also a premier manufacturer of high-quality herbal products. Please browse our website to learn more about us.Owner expertise is especially important in the health and beauty industry to evaluate the safety, quality, and effectiveness of the herbs. Dr. Tei-Fu Chen has a degree in pharmacy and is a world-renowned herbalist. Dr. Oi-Lin Chen is a licensed medical doctor in the United States. They lead a team of scientists to research, formulate, and manufacture all of Sunrider's products. You will never find questionable or unsafe ingredients in our products.

Any company can hire scientists, but do they have owner expertise to guide and monitor those scientists like Sunrider?

The Philosophy of Regeneration™
Dr. Tei-Fu Chen developed the Philosophy of Regeneration™ after thorough study of Chinese and Western medicines. According to the Philosophy of Regeneration™, the body can balance itself when nourished and cleansed with the proper nutrition. Thus, all Sunrider® products are exclusively formulated to keep a balance between yin (nourish) and yang (cleanse) and the body's five systems. Sunrider products help maintain good health, but are not intended to treat or cure diseases which require medical attention.

Some brands may use generic formulations without understanding how the body works, but Sunrider products are exclusively formulated to work in harmony with the body.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Butter Popcorn Update: Chemical Now linked to Alzheimer's

*Credit- unknown author,taken from the Health Plus newsletter Sept. 2012*

          An ingredient in artificial butter flavoring for popcorn and other foods may worsen the
effects of an abnormal brain protein that has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. A new study in
chemical research in toxicology examined diacetyl(DA), an ingredient used to produce the buttery
flavor and smell in microwave popcorn,margarine, candy,baked goods, and even pet food. It is also
created naturally in fermented drinks like beer, and gives chardonnay wines its buttery taste. Scientists
at the University of Minnesota conducted an analysis of DA, a chemical which had previously been
linked to respiratory problems in employees of microwave popcorn and food flavoring factories.
     They found that DA has a structure that's similar to a substance that makes beta-amyloid proteins.
Too much amyloid that clumps together to form plaques are a tell-tale marker of Alzheimer's disease in
the brain.

Note- I would like to add that this doesn't mean that all popcorn is bad . The studies are based on
          microwave popcorn and butter flavorings in other foods. Of course we know that regular
         popcorn in moderation is actually good for us due to the good fiber.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Check it our for yourself...

They contain mercury, formaldahyde, and other toxic chemicals. All that plus many possible side effects. Do the research don't take my word for it!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Praise Him Always

From the rising of the sun to it's going down, the Name of the Lord 
\                                                is to be praised!!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Poison toothpaste...Possible?

By Dr. Teifue Chen

     "Toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS) or
similar ingredient. This is a grease cutting detergent, to strong
for mucus membrane. SLS is very irritating and can cause
gums to recede, on the low side of the damage it can do.
     Makers include saccharin and artificial flavors just to
name a few of the offenders, to cover up the chemical. Is it
any wonder there is a warning on it, that it should not be swallowed? These ingredients are especially harmful to children."