Sunday, February 24, 2013

Share your story...

This is the place for you to share about your Sunrider journey!
Please click on : "comment" at the bottom of this post and start sharing.
Who knows, you just might be a winner in one of our monthly mini-contests. You don't have to be a talented writer, or be great with words, just share from your heart what the Sunrider foods have done for you. If you don't win the contest remember that you are already a winner just because you are doing wonderful things for your body by consuming the  wonderful SR foods, and rebuilding your body,your health, and your life, one cell at a time through the process of "Regeneration!"


  1. Hello Hannah:
    My name is Annie Geary, I have been eating the Sunrider foods for just four months and I am so happy my friend loved me enough to share them with me.
    It is so incredible to me that I have seen
    so many changes in such a short time! I used to have hypogylcemia, heart palpatations,thyroid problems, and a lot more.
    I no longer have any of these health issues,
    it is unbelievable because my doctors told me that I would have the hypoglycemia for ever!
    Now after just a few short months it is like night and day for me. I have more energy, the palpatations are gone, and no more health issues.
    Now I just want to share with the world
    all that these foods have done for me. I give God the glory first because He did after all, create the herbs they are made from!

  2. Annie:
    Your story is so inspiring! I am so happy to hear about all the wonderful changes you have seen in your body, your health, your life! and in such a short time. Please be sure and email me again if I can help you in any other way.
